The art of beauty is a multifaceted endeavor. It includes aesthetic principles, as well as the idea that everything is beautiful in its own proper order. Beauty is subjective, as each individual’s perception is unique.
In terms of beauty, the old adage “art for art’s sake” sprang to mind, but not the most recent iteration of the phrase. Beauty can be an abstract concept that is meant to impress a viewer. It can also be something in the physical realm, which makes it an especially important subject in the realm of art.
In terms of a more formal and systematic study of the idea, many philosophers have attempted to identify the aesthetic qualities that make something beautiful. Aristotle, notably, ascribed less danger to the notion of beauty than Plato, but he also took a more direct approach, as he saw beauty as a product of craftsmanship and skill.
Aristotle’s theory of beauty is a fine example of what we would call a classical conception of beauty. This view treats the beauty of things as a matter of relations among parts, and sometimes expressed in mathematical ratios. For instance, the relative length of the limbs of a well-proportioned person is a lovely numerical pattern. However, it is not a particularly beautiful thing in the way that a vase or an artwork can be.
In terms of a true understanding of what makes something beautiful, it is important to distinguish between form and function. Form is the physical appearance of an object, while function is the way that something serves a specific purpose. For instance, the way a car drives into a traffic jam may be beautiful, but it has no meaning in the real world.
Aquinas formulated the requirements for beauty in a typically Aristotelian pluralist formulation. He answered the ‘odd one out’ question by explaining how the rules of aesthetics can be a byproduct of good design, and how form and function can simultaneously coexist in a given work of art. His explanation also satisfies criteria for a unified theory of beauty.
In the context of politics, it is worth mentioning that beauty is central to the concrete dimensions of oppression. It can be a powerful force in a society, particularly when society is dominated by the powerful. In the twentieth century, it was associated with capitalism, especially in the role of great art and architecture.
It’s a nice to know that a thing is beautiful, but it’s not necessarily a good idea to make the assumption that every object has beauty. While the idea of the beautiful may be the most important one, the most meaningful claims have to be empirically substantiated. Some people are color blind, and it is not a good idea to make them feel guilty by insisting that they are.
One can argue that the most meaningful claim is not the best one to make, but the most efficient and apt one. What is most important is the ability to make the right call.